Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Purgatory device common details of the questions and answers

The Purgatory device is one of the players most concerned about game content, as long as the completion of the necessary processes, will be able to get a good account-bound ring as a reward. Can be repeated for the role has greatly improved. However, due to the necessary part of which is not a 100% drop, so extending the many problems.

Question one: An account can only have a ring to it?

Qualification of the Ring is a role can only be equipped with one, but does not limit the number of rings you can put in your body and warehouse.

Question two: keys falling What is a necessary condition for it?

Although you can encounter in the game in all difficulty key guards, but only in purgatory difficulty can drop the key. At the same time, you must have the five layers Nephalem courage! Must pay attention to, is a five-story, not just the BUFF!

Question three: the MF values ??can increase the key drop it?

First, the basis of the keys in normal circumstances (no NPC intensity) out rate is 5%, starting from the MP1, each level increased by 10%, until 100% of the MP10 of. MF value will not have any effect on the drop rate of the keys!

Question four: If I have a ring attributes are not satisfied, the first to be removed or to sell you?

Do not. Ring the conditions of use for the equipment only and account binding, but can carry more than one ring in your body and warehouse. Followers can also use this ring, the same limited by equipment only condition.

Question five: a game only to open a door?

A device can only be activated by a door, each game can open three doors (so you will be able to challenge all three demons field).

So if you want to make the the purgatory devices will need to collect three keys (forging key consumed). If you want to open three doors, you need to collected a total of nine: the key to the destruction of 3, 3 hatred of the key and the key three fear.

Question six: team case, key drop what circumstances?

Players have participated in the fighting, the presence of the kill, but also has a 5 layer Nephalem courage probability demons organ, regardless of who opens the portal. However, even if a player organ fall, the other person can not be guaranteed access to drop unless MP10 strength.

Question Seven: I want to get through the brush ring decomposition of sulfur, can it?

The Hellfire rings can be decomposed, so there is a the players figured if repeated brush ring decomposition can be considered a stable source of wealth. Because according to the item level, under normal circumstances, decomposition will get sulfur. Note, however, that when you break down hellfire demon quit when magic level (blue) and rare (yellow) forging material. And you can not get any demons organ! So the average gamer, or do not try.

Question eight: I can give trumpet with it?

This is the concern of many players. Ring is no level restrictions and account bound, so it can be forwarded to your own trumpet through a public warehouse.